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Author Topic: 2017 SoloPro Schools - May 20/21, 2017 at Fort Macleod  (Read 12663 times)

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Re: 2017 SoloPro Schools - May 20/21, 2017 at Fort Macleod
« Reply #15 on: March 19, 2017, 07:05:12 PM »
I'm with you on that Matt, after Reijo's dissertation not sure how one couldn't attend except maybe when a forty year anniversary somehow got in the way and no I'm not talking birthday. Somebody changed the date this year.
I've gone the last two years and found it to be the best learning/ driving experience ever. Hope you all have a great school but try not to soak up too much, hard enough trying to keep up last year.
PaulT #202


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Re: 2017 SoloPro Schools - May 20/21, 2017 at Fort Macleod
« Reply #16 on: March 20, 2017, 11:21:20 AM »
What Matt said.


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Re: 2017 SoloPro Schools - May 20/21, 2017 at Fort Macleod
« Reply #17 on: March 20, 2017, 11:58:27 AM »
So last year I signed up for the extreme school and put my deposit down, when it didn't get enough people and it was scrapped, all of the other spots were already all full and I ended up out in the cold on the wait list.

Now luckily last time it all worked out... however I'd like to avoid being in that situation again. So should I just reserve a spot in all of the programs, or is there a way I can just put a deposit for 2 days and have it applied to whichever program is actually available?

This picture is a visual image of my current plan to pay deposits to double book programs:

Just reviewing all this and noticed that I had not responded to this adequately.

I think a more fair way of doing this is to give priority to when people signed up rather than by what school they signed up for.

I have a couple more people interested who have not signed up yet but it seems we may have stalled at the current number of entries.  I think the long weekend date may not have been ideal for some etc.

Anyway, I am contemplating what exactly we are going to offer:

1.  A hybrid L1/L2? and a 1-day Extreme (I think it is time to offer an Extreme School ... overdue even).
2.  L1/Extreme?
3.  L1/L2 (advanced option - like last year).
4.  Other?  Your ideas here?

In fact, what are you looking for through these schools?

Note also, I'd like to start some new stuff this year via mid-week practices etc. ... more detailed practices ... perhaps single elements, analysis thereof (e.g. almost a course analysis course ... maybe even a seminar(s)) .... so really beyond what a single or two-day school could possibly cover.  What is the ideal line under certain specific course conditions?  This may even involve some math, horror of horrors!  Heck, some of this I want to analyze myself!  :)

At this point in time, I already extended the original deadline for deposits to the end of March but I think it would be appropriate to cut it off there and then make the decisions as necessary.  I also started the budget calculations to figure out a final cost.

Last year the cost was $375 per day so I am anticipating it will be in that range again. 

What about an option of going with smaller numbers of entries but the cost would be more?  I guess the big bonus is that your seat time and time with instructors would be MUCH increased with less students ... almost getting to the point of private instruction.  There would definitely be significantly more opportunity for learning.   Hmmm.....might be something to be said for that.   



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Re: 2017 SoloPro Schools - May 20/21, 2017 at Fort Macleod
« Reply #18 on: March 21, 2017, 08:06:34 PM »
Thanks for the reply Reijo! It isn't a big deal for me anymore as I am sharing a car with Dan and he is in L1/L2


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Re: 2017 SoloPro Schools - May 20/21, 2017 at Fort Macleod
« Reply #19 on: March 21, 2017, 08:30:57 PM »
Thanks for the reply Reijo! It isn't a big deal for me anymore as I am sharing a car with Dan and he is in L1/L2

Dan was signed up in the Extreme as far as I know?



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Re: 2017 SoloPro Schools - May 20/21, 2017 at Fort Macleod
« Reply #20 on: March 21, 2017, 10:44:08 PM »
Ok.... well, in that case please sign me up for whatever he is, otherwise it could be very interesting trying to share the car  ;D


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Re: 2017 SoloPro Schools - May 20/21, 2017 at Fort Macleod
« Reply #21 on: March 21, 2017, 11:46:20 PM »
Ok.... well, in that case please sign me up for whatever he is, otherwise it could be very interesting trying to share the car  ;D

We'll sort it out in due time.



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Re: 2017 SoloPro Schools - May 20/21, 2017 at Fort Macleod
« Reply #22 on: April 03, 2017, 10:39:13 AM »
The SoloPro Performance School deposits on MSReg are closed down now.

I have done a rough budget already but will refine it shortly and give you a final cost and we'll be looking for final payments soon.

Instructors lined up thus far are:  Neal Tovsen, Minneapolis, Bill Spratt (NE USA - Connecticut? - Bill has not been here before), Jeff Janzen of Winnipeg and myself.  Jeff and I are the only Canadian instructors for a professional level autox school.  And furthermore, for the L2 and Extreme Schools, I am speaking with Jonn Renay (we have meeting for over two years now) about setting up a short seminar/information building more on the "mental game" of autox ... something we have been refining and working on for a while as I noted.  In this respect we are on the cutting edge and I firmly believe these techniques can help immensely when "everything" is on the line!  How can you deal with pressure and get it under control so that you can perform at your utmost?  We want to get you there!

EXT:  We will have a two-day Extreme School (max. of 10 people) - full...correction - 9, so 1 spot left right now - We will have a waiting list on
L1 - 8 people (we have room for up to 12 max. - room for 4 more!)
L2 - 9 people (room for 3 more!)

There will be waiting lists for all the schools.

The dates will remain the same - May long weekend - Sat. May 20, Sun May 21.

More to come shortly!  I'm excited about this year and think we can all progress much further!  :)


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Re: 2017 SoloPro Schools - May 20/21, 2017 at Fort Macleod
« Reply #23 on: April 03, 2017, 10:22:48 PM »
Something is up with my MSReg account... it seems to have totally vanished on me. I tried to recover it, but all of my e-mail address just returned a "Does not exist" message.

Anyway, I setup a new one... just an FYI as the school was booked through the old one

Hmmmm....odd ... maybe due to the change in ISP?  Anyway, I know who you are etc. so no worries.  We'll make it work.

Tim actually asked to limit all the schools to 10 entries ... interesting.  A change.  More seat time.



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Re: 2017 SoloPro Schools - May 20/21, 2017 at Fort Macleod
« Reply #24 on: April 03, 2017, 10:23:54 PM »
Hmmmm.... I might be able to edit the MSReg account .... hang on I'll try.



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Re: 2017 SoloPro Schools - May 20/21, 2017 at Fort Macleod
« Reply #25 on: April 03, 2017, 10:26:02 PM »
Your account etc seems to be there and intact ...

email is sugarphreak at inbox ....

Do you want me to change it?   email me for further discussion.



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Re: 2017 SoloPro Schools - May 20/21, 2017 at Fort Macleod
« Reply #26 on: April 04, 2017, 06:52:26 PM »
yeah that isn't a real e-mail, haha. Ok thanks, I will try to login and change it


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Re: 2017 SoloPro Schools - May 20/21, 2017 at Fort Macleod
« Reply #27 on: April 09, 2017, 08:40:13 PM »
There are a few 3 extra spots for the Level 1 (L1) school (we have a couple extra entries FULL in the L2) so if you are new or haven't taken one of these Solo Pro Schools, you owe it to yourself to take one and make sure you are on the right track.

There are 3 spots open for a 2-day Extreme as well as of right now.

(Note that the registration list on MSReg is missing one person and I believe there is a correction to one entry as of this evening).

It is rare to get an entire day of seat time and instruction with International level autocrossers.   We know what you need and how to get there.

So, read through this thread and get your name on the list.

I'll be finishing the budget and setting the final price shortly (ugh, was going to do it earlier on but work keeps getting in the way ... but have done a preliminary budget  which is no longer entirely valid since more people have jumped in ... which is a good thing by the way .. keeps the cost down).

We will have a waitlist in case you do not get in.  Sometimes drops occur ... not many but there is the possibility.

BTW, I discovered what was wrong with the MSReg that people could only choose one of L1 or L2 but not both ... fixed it and moved people over as appropriate (no cost involved of course).  I had to add a "package" that included L1 and L2 together ... peculiarity of the software.

April 10 update:  As noted above PLUS there is one other person who hasn't signed up yet (L1 ... and waitlist for L2 for him).



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Re: 2017 SoloPro Schools - May 20/21, 2017 at Fort Macleod
« Reply #28 on: April 14, 2017, 08:13:05 PM »
Hey Reijo,

Is the Novice school shown in the schedule for May 13 @ YYC associated with the 'L1' school here?


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Re: 2017 SoloPro Schools - May 20/21, 2017 at Fort Macleod
« Reply #29 on: April 14, 2017, 11:34:47 PM »
Hey Reijo,

Is the Novice school shown in the schedule for May 13 @ YYC associated with the 'L1' school here?

The SoloPro schools are totally independent of any of our local schools and have been held only once a year ... with most of the instructors flying in from the US (2 instructors) and Jeff Janzen from Winnipeg.  Jeff and I are the only SoloPro (or Evo for that matter) Canadian instructors.  They are organized differently and are probably a  more  intense learning environment due to the system used and a little more geared toward people with some autox experience.  This is not to say anyone can't take them because really anyone can take the L1 from a raw beginner to an advanced autocrosser since we teach at whatever level you are at.  But, really, a little of experience would be better I think.  For me one of the key factors is bringing in US National level instructors/drivers who can perhaps teach us something new ... cutting edge stuff ... the latest thinking behind going fast ... and all heading toward the national level of driving and competition.

The local schools are taught by our locals and this is not to downplay our people at all since we have some great drivers here locally.  And, of course, I teach here too.  However I cannot spend the amount of time with you that I can via the SoloPro Schools.  But, really we are all developing more and more as time goes on (this includes me by the way!).  This means our local schools are always getting better too ... partially through what we have learned at the winter schools and other schools we teach during the year.

Digressing, it is interesting how more and more these schools have become a bigger part of the picture here locally.....and perhaps one of the reasons for, not only our own successes as drivers, but also as a club.  We have enjoyed good steady growth all along but more so over the last, say, 3 years when it has become almost explosive.  It is all good and quite exciting actually.  :)

But, you know what the best thing you can do as a developing driver?  Take all the schools you can, because they will get you further than anything else you spend your money on including the car.  The proper attitude is to believe that you can learn something from anyone.  Be a sponge!  Write stuff down (bring a notebook, make some notes, review those notes later in the season or even the season after etc.).  Make a point of intending to suck everything you can out of the experience.  Like I said there are plenty of great drivers here and then from elsewhere at the SoloPro Schools from whom I am certain you can learn a great deal ... kind of like attending driving seminars.  They are all good.




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