
General Topics => General Discussion => Topic started by: Mkelder on July 23, 2016, 07:03:09 PM

Title: Timing/registration errors
Post by: Mkelder on July 23, 2016, 07:03:09 PM
For anyone that thinks they know the solution for the mjtiming. We have cars registered as a certain class, example car 192 is cam set as class AS 2004 Corvette. Confirmed as this in the _driver data.SASC.CSV file set as the driver data file in the configuration. During timing these values hold true but when clicking on scoring and choosing pax he is set as SSP 2010 Corvette.

This effects Jess W., Matt k. and Sean D is set correct in registration and yet pax calcuations/readout is wrong and somehow old data.

My guess is for Sunday tournament challenge we will have to clear registeration (unregister all drivers) and add everyone to an empty list?
Title: Re: Timing/registration errors
Post by: NickST on July 23, 2016, 07:27:46 PM
I've got some of the earlier events and all files on my machine at home, I will have a quick look to see if I can figure out what is going on

I don't think it draws from a data file called "_driver data.SASC.CSV" though, but let me verify that.

So the way it was setup before (or at least the version I am looking at on my machine), it was drawing from different file name (_driverData.csv) and it does not appear to be an editable path. My recommendation is to go into the configuration tab on the MJTiming and ensure that all of your files are the correct names and located in the right directory.

Anyway, I hope that helps... probably not much given that you already confirmed the file name in the config, haha. Maybe the path?
Title: Re: Timing/registration errors
Post by: Mkelder on July 23, 2016, 07:59:00 PM
I'll have a look and see if I can change the path. It is just really weird that the SASC appointed file had correct class info when I looked at it with notepad
Title: Re: Timing/registration errors
Post by: MurrayPeterson on July 23, 2016, 10:14:46 PM
Shut the [rogram down at the end of the day!

It makes copies of the files ito the event folder, and if you leave it running overnight, then it is using the driver data file date stamped from the day it was started (e.g. friday).

To fix it up, you will need to make a backup copy of the eventdata folder and then go in and fix up the names of the files to match the date you wanted.