When I started the equipment in the morning I ran mjbroadcast from the link on desktop and it worked for the first group and second. I think it was tied into the date conflict that made it stop for the afternoon.
Something to consider, I was the 3rd person to sign up for event and when I did so it said August 7th as the date of event but then listed everyone as Saturday entrants. I made a post about it raising the issue but since the date seemed correct nothing was done. Perhaps check the msr file for correct date?
I confirmed with Rachael when we noticed the unknown driver errors that she indeed did atart off with a fresh start of mjtiming even though it seemed like a similar problem as last time we had.
mjtiming doesn't care what the msr file is named, or if there is a date in the the name.
This issue is because mjtiming is running under one date, and the computer has somehow moved to a different date. Or vice versa, but that would be some major bug in the software.
Note that the master drive data (registration) file has no date attached to it. What happens is that mjtiming makes a copy of the driver data file into the eventdata folder, and then is when it puts the current date as part of the copied file name.