July 6 10:00 pm mountain time
Thanks to these folks for their recent purchases…
Edit: July 10 8:00pm mountain time
Only one person bought photos in the last four days, thanks Dude!
Edit: July 15 9:42am
Nothing much going on as far as purchases go but Thanks Mr. Wayne for your recent purchase!
Edit: July 17 8:25pm
Thanks Guys!
All of the photos you purchased on Shuttr have now been updated on the FlickR gallery with a much smaller watermark, just like the ones above.
I will update your photos on the FlickR album as you buy them on Shuttr. But it won’t happen in an instant as I actually have to manually edit them and replace them on FlickR and also sometimes I have to be on my day job, so you millennials who wants everything done in an instant will just have to bare with me.
Thanks again!