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Author Topic: Gauging interest: 2020 Spec Fit multi discipline challenge (details inside)  (Read 3140 times)

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Spec Honda Fit Multi Discipline Race Challenge (2020)

What: A low cost spec race challenge spanning three disciplines of racing envisioned to be low cost for competitors. The Honda Fit is a cheap car to own and run and is surprisingly capable. This event is designed to encourage close competition at entry level costs and encourage participation in local club events. There is no entry fee to compete in this “championship” however all rules of local clubs must be followed at events.

Spec Vehicle: First or second gen Honda Fit originally sold in Canada/USA ONLY (ie no Japanese import cars)

Modifications allowed: HS auto x rules with spec tires to be determined (low cost)

Scoring: Based on a 100 point per event system with minimum one auto x at a local venue, one auto x at a red deer venue, one rally x with ERC and one ice dice with CSCC required to qualify. Four events total scored towards a best possible 400/400 score for the season. For PAX scoring, auto x will be based off fastest HS car of the day, rally x and ice dice will be based off fastest overall car of the day.

Teams encouraged (max 4 drivers per car). First place will receive a trophy (individual) with possible team standings and awards based on participation numbers. Friendly wagers encouraged.

Scoring, rule set and vehicle modifications subject to change after 2020 season pending discussion from all participants.

Rules etc are not set in stone but this is the basic idea of what we want to achieve. We have a team of 3 (maybe 4) already confirmed and have interest expressed from others for down the road.


  • That cone is still in the box!
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We decided to include first gen Fits and will assess if their needs to be a slight handicap between first and second gen after 2020.


  • That cone is still in the box!
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  • Locost 7 #303
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This looks really cool, I love spec stuff. No room for another car myself, but I just checked kijiji and they do seem very affordable. Very cool!



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