This event did not make the minimum numbers set by the club in order to proceed. The club is willing to take a rather large loss to make this event happen but at the current registration numbers, that loss is simply too great.
In an attempt to salvage this last event at our best venue and with decent weather expected, the club is raising the registration cost by an additional $30 per person. If enough registrants are willing to pay the increased cost the event will go ahead. Anyone not willing will be refunded their original payment and will not be registered for the event. We realize this is a pretty big cost for a single event but with fewer numbers more runs are expected and it's our last chance to compete this season!
As payment is due to the venue today, we will need each person willing to attend at the new price to login to MSReg before the deadline, edit their registration and hit the red Pay Now button to pay the additional cost.
Hope to see you there! If there are any questions please PM me here or email me at:
<my username> @ gmail dot com