So I didn't get any photo's for the 16th... well, mostly because my camera isn't waterproof! I did however get a chance to take a few pictures of the other two run group on Sunday.... apologies to my run group as I wasn't really able to take photos of you running. Also big thanks to my spotters!
Photo's are here: free to use them however you want, I took them for you guys! However please just credit me if you use them for a public forum or as website content though. These are 1280 wide, but I also have even higher resolution versions available for a lot of these if you'd like.
Some of my favorites from the day:
Dan on 3 wheels
Reijo and company rounding the hairpin!
The Stig's Canadian cousin
Reijo putting a smile on his passenger!
The intense start
Cone VS Car
The Photo Finish