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Author Topic: 2022 Season Course Designers Needed  (Read 4202 times)

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2022 Season Course Designers Needed
« on: June 02, 2021, 05:52:27 PM »
The executive would like to get some more of the SASC Members involved in designing courses for the 2022 season. Last year we had some new course designers which led to some fun and unique courses. Designing a course is challenging but rewarding, a good learning experience and of course you have the satisfaction of watching others try to master your vision.

This year we're hoping to secure course designers earlier than last and ideally even build up a repository of course designs for Airdrie and Fort Macleod. Volunteering to design a course does not mean you must be the one to set it up, we're simply looking for a diversity of designers. Of course we would love for the individual who designed it to also be the one to help set it up but it's not expressly needed. And if you do volunteer to help set it up in the morning that will count as your work assignment for the day  ;)

Schedule for the Season
April 30 - Fort Macleod - Test and Tune (a more casually run day, with separate elements to help setup cars)
May 1 - Fort Macleod - Practice (ran as a normal event, not for Championship points)
May 15 - Fort Macleod - Event 1 - Bob S
May 29 - Airdrie - Event 2
June 12 - Fort Macleod - Event 3
June 26 - Airdrie - Event 4
July 10 - Airdrie - Event 5
July 24 - Fort Macleod - Event 6
August 13 - Fort Macleod - Event 7
August 28 - Airdrie - Event 8
September 18 - Airdrie - Event 9
October 2 - Fort Macleod - Event 10

Things to Consider
- If you've never designed a course before be aware that it takes time, more time than you think. Between reading some of the relevant material on course design (below), sketching out your original idea, refining it, checking to make sure it's safe and then physically setting up the course can easily take a few hours your first time around.
- If you've never designed a course for the SASC your course design will also need to be reviewed either by myself or one of the SASC executives to make sure it's first & foremost safe but also to make sure it follows some of the basic rules (minimum spacing, laydown cones, etc.). Please aim to have your course sent in for review at least 10 days before the event to ensure there is enough time for any changes that need to be made. A course that's approved on paper may also need final tweaks once actually laid out.
- Only 2021 SASC Members can design courses, yet another perk of being a member, if you don't have yours yet click here: https://www.motorsportreg.com/events/southern-alberta-solosport-club-sasc-membership-983462

Course Design Basics
I would strongly recommend that you read the following guides on some of the do's & don'ts of autocross course design:

Roger Johnson

Vivek Goel

Also our very own Stephen H has put together the following guide which is very helpful. You can find it at the google drive below along with a folder containing some previous course designs to help put future maps into perspective.

If you're interested in designing a course please post in this thread or PM me and let us know which event you'd like to design a course for or if you'd just like to design a course for the repository.


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Re: 2022 Season Course Designers Needed
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2022, 08:05:13 PM »
Looking for a designer for Airdrie Champ Event 2


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Re: 2022 Season Course Designers Needed
« Reply #2 on: September 18, 2022, 06:12:49 PM »
For all course designers:

Please look at the template you are using for the course, and if it says anything about browsing to scores.com, please replace that with

I have updated the router to reserve the above address for the new club computer.

2017 Miata (C Street)
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